I have to admit that I am struggling. There are not enough hours in the day and I fear that this is the beginning of the end for me.  BUT I WILL keep struggling along until hopefully it all gets easier.

Stay tuned folks, although I do not have my draft for you all to critique today, I promise I WILL have my draft completed and posted on here this weekend for everyone.

Until next time…

7 thoughts on “Assessment #1 Steps 2-6

  1. Hey Jessies, if it makes you feel any better. I’m in the same boat! Arrrgh! I even feel like my draft isn’t finished enough to be critique and there aren’t enough hours in the day/night for me, but I will press on. Good luck.


  2. It seems we all seem to be in the same boat at the moment. I have written the introduction but have not even started on my KCQs and understanding of the financial reports yet and there is only 7 hours to go before drafts to be submitted!!!! Major stress factor right now! Good Luck!


      1. I checked on Moodle, and it says Steps 2-6 still have 10 days remaining but saw on the assignment 1 criteria: Prior to 5.00pm Friday 23 March (Week 3), please:
        Accounting, Learning & Online Communication ASS#1
        ASS#1 – 8
         post draft work of your ASS#1 on your blog;
         provide a link to your blog on the Draft ASS#1 Feedback Forum and post in the Draft ASS#1 Feedback forum a comment that your draft ASS#1 is ready for student feedback and, if you wish, specific areas where you would particularly value feedback for your ASS#1.


  3. Hi Jessie
    If it’s any consolation I haven’t completed mine either. This unit has so much to do, I’m not sure I can keep up myself so I totally understand how you are feeling. But we will get there! Just keep plugging away.


    1. Thank you for your kind words. I am proud of my blog, I hope that I am able to improve it based on the feedback I have received to make it more enjoyable for anyone who visits 🙂


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